November 20, 2020 - Faith & Courage


“It becomes a dark time when we lose faith in each other and thus lack courage.” Chogyam Trungpa, Buddhist teacher

Most of you know that I am ever optimistic, “This too shall pass” and “Glass half full”. Through everything I have had two constants pushing me forward and keeping me optimistic and looking for that other side of the rain cloud.  One is my faith in God that all will be put right in time not of our choosing but of God’s choosing.  The second is I have an outlet for my stress and worry, my horses.  There have been a few over the years and you have read about the special ones.  Right now Louie, my “Happy Appy” is near and dear to my heart.  He is goofy and kind and makes me smile.

A couple weeks ago I was at the farm in KS trimming their hooves.  Just like trimming our fingernails.  Louie LOVES to take my hair out of its ponytail.  I had a different hair tie in that he couldn’t figure out that weekend.  Horses like dogs or cats can tell when people are having a problem.  They are very sensitive, just like a dog an tell when a person is scared or frightened of them so can horses.  Louie seems to know when he needs to be goofy to cheer me up and when he needs to be serious and “work”.

Even in this time where we cannot do the things that we would normally do, get together with loved ones, have big gatherings with friends and family, hug our loved ones. Find those simple things that can bring you some peace and joy.  I will be making a LOT more phone calls over the next few weeks, spending more time reading good books with a cup of hot cocoa and trying to enjoy a simpler holiday season where I don’t have to run and be anywhere.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your never ending love.  Please watch over those that are traveling this next week as they visit friends and family.  Please watch over the healthcare workers as they care for those in need.  Amen


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