Sept. 4, 2020 ~ Opening Doors


John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

One of my dear friends has a wonderful gelding named Lucky.  Lucky has always been a rather…. challenging child for lack of better terms, sort of Dennis the Mennis on 4 legs with a swishy tail.  He is very bright, very large and has a tendency to get himself into trouble if not guided in the right direction gently.  Lucky loves to open gates and doors and see what is on the other side that is yummy to eat.  Or just get to the other side of that gate or door with his buddies.  So much so that his pen has to be “Lucky proofed”.  He has child proof locks on his pasture gate, the door going into the barn, he has to be tied a certain way, etc. 

But, what is lovely about Lucky is that while he does get into trouble and has his friends join in on the fun, he knows where home is.  He knows that he is safe in his pasture, barn and yard.  His Mom takes the best care of him and there is no shortage of yummy peppermints and treats for him.  Lucky’s mom makes sure that he is well-fed, healthy, loved and has everything that he could ever want or need.  But, he still wants to get into trouble sometimes. 

I am in ways like Lucky.  I tend to get into trouble and have opened doors and peeked through those that God did not want me to open.  Those doors needed to be Lucky proofed for me.  Once I found the correct door, things were easier and I went into the “correct pasture” where I was supposed to be.  The right door should be easy for you to open and walk through, the wrong door will be hard and have some Lucky proofing on it.

  •          Have you tested the wrong doors?
  •          If so, have you found the right one(s) to walk through?

 Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. Forgive me for getting ahead of Your plans, and help me know when to stop and listen for Your direction. Your ways are perfect. Thank You for offering gentle grace 


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